Master Bank Tags
- Degear and suicide all wildy steps. For Hot Cold wildy steps, Weiss and Ferox enclave are useful
- Holy ghrazi rapier: Downgrades: Inquisitor's mace→Ghrazi rapier→Blade of saeldor→Abyssal tentacle
- Hilt: If you do not have Master or Grandmaster CAs, take a hilt in your inventory
- Unholy blessing: Taken with Holy ghrazi rapier, otherwise use Holy blessing
- Without Zammy item in setup, bank for one for the "outside K'ril Tsutsaroth's chamber" step
- To reduce inventory space, remove items as needed:
- Morytania legs 4: Equip instead of Torva platelegs for -1 max hit, or bank
- Death runes: Used for Vengeance for extra DPS
- Quest point cape: Used for 3 steps
Cryptic clues
- Items assume the use of the "3-stepping" method See footer for Discord invite
- Combat bracelet: Taken for Ghommal cryptic step, replace as needed
- Shilo Village furnace→Karamja gloves, etc.