Clue Details
The Clue Details plugin allows us to provide hints on the clue scroll item
- Easy, Medium, Hard, and Elite tags are loaded automatically
- These clues have unique item IDs for each clue step
- Beginner and Master tags, require the clue to be opened
How To
- Requires the Clue Details RuneLite plugin
- Import Clue Details
- Options:
- Copy contents of one of the provided clue details lists to your clipboard (see Tags below)
- If you have tags in the Custom Item Tags format, please use the converter
- Click the Import button the top of the sidebar panel
- Note: When exporting, tags will be a single list of all tiers
- Options:
- In the plugin configuration, select Show clue tags
- You should now see a tag with the clue description for clues in your inventory
- Note: The top/bottom text is split based on the first instance of ": " found in the text field.
- This is configurable via the plugin settings.
- Note: The top/bottom text is split based on the first instance of ": " found in the text field.