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1. Help and Dicussion

If you have specific questions that are not answered here, have suggestions for improvements, or want to get involved in the community, please see the footer for a Discord invite

2. Item Tag Hints

If you're uncertain about a hint's meaning, click the clue to get additional info from the RuneLite Clue plugin

Here are explanations for otherwise unclear hints

General shorthand

Shorthand Explanation
+ Bank first
- Degear for wildy
GLIDE Seed pod→climb up to glider
RESP Respawn: set to Edgeville
FISH Max Cape→Fishing Teleports
OTHER Max Cape→Other Teleports
GVS Goblin village sphere
BOX POH jewellery box

Ancient Magicks

Shorthand Teleport
PADD Paddewwa
SENN Senntisten
KHAR Kharyrll
LASS Lassar
CARR Carrallanger
ANNA Annakarl
GHOR Ghorrock

3. Suicide Steps

When using the Enchanted symbol to suicide in the wildy, kill two of the MA2 bosses and hand in the hearts. This allows you to spam click and damage yourself without delay.