Custom Swaps
The Custom Menu Swaps plugin allows us to provide hotkey shortcuts for items with minimenus.
How To
- Requires the Custom Menu Swaps RuneLite plugin
- In the plugin configuration, edit Custom Swaps (hotkeys)
Copy text below into each of the hotkey X sections, where the title of the below tab matches the hotkey set
Copy button is provided on the right
Warrior*,Max cape Home,construct* Ardougne,Achievement* Edgeville,Amulet of *glory* Stronghold,slayer ring* Warriors' guild,combat bracelet* Miscellania,ring of wealth* Emir's Arena,ring of dueling* Wizards' tower,necklace of passage* Burthorpe,Games necklace* Fishing guild,Skills necklace* Chaos temple,Burning amulet* Xeric's lookout,Xeric's talisman Air altar,Ring of the elements Enakhra's temple,Camulet Jalsavrah,Pharaoh's sceptre The Ancient Vault,Ring of shadows Rellekka,Enchanted lyre* Lunch by*,Book of the dead Surface,Camulet Bryophyta*,Giantsoul amulet
Fishing*,Max cape Rimmington,construct* Desert,Achievement* Karamja,Amulet of *glory* Slayer tower,slayer ring* Champions' guild,combat bracelet* Grand exchange,ring of wealth* Castle wars,ring of dueling* The outpost,necklace of passage* Barbarian outpost,Games necklace* Mining guild,Skills necklace* Bandit camp,Burning amulet* Xeric's glade,Xeric's talisman Water altar,Ring of the elements Enakhra's temple entrance,Camulet Jaleustrophos,Pharaoh's sceptre Ghorrock dungeon,Ring of shadows Waterbirth island,Enchanted lyre* The fisher's*,Book of the dead Temple,Camulet Obor*,Giantsoul amulet
Crafting*,Max cape Taverley,construct* Falador,Achievement* Draynor village,Amulet of *glory* Fremennik dungeon,slayer ring* Monastery,combat bracelet* Falador,ring of wealth* Ferox enclave,Ring of dueling* Eagles' eyrie,necklace of passage* Corporeal beast,Games necklace* Crafting guild,Skills necklace* Lava maze,Burning amulet* Xeric's inferno,Xeric's talisman Earth altar,ring of the elements Jaldraocht,Pharaoh's sceptre The scar,Ring of shadows Neitiznot,Enchanted lyre* History and*,Book of the dead Branda and Eldric*,Giantsoul amulet
Farming*,Max cape Poll*,construct* Fremennik,Achievement* Al kharid,Amulet of *glory* Tarn's lair,slayer ring* Ranging guild,combat bracelet* Dondakan,ring of wealth* Fortis colosseum,ring of dueling* Tears of guthix,Games necklace* Cooking guild,Skills necklace* Xeric's heart,Xeric's talisman Fire altar,ring of the elements Jaltevas,Pharaoh's sceptre Lassar undercity,Ring of shadows Jatiszo,Enchanted lyre* Jewellery of*,Book of the dead
Holding the configured hotkey before clicking an item allows the player to skip the teleport menu/minimenu
The below image shows the user holding the
hotkey with the Max cape